Vicar’s Message – May 2013

Published April 27, 2013 by admin in Vicar's Message



Dearly beloved in Christ, greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ,

The house God is a place of praise, worship and prayer. Are you glad when it is a time to go to the house of god to worship? Are you really happy when on the Lord’s Day or any other day you can go to the church? In psalm 122 David says, it was glad when they said to me, Let us go in to the house of god. We worship the lord privately as well. Every day we should read his word and pray and worship Him. But we are the sheep of gods flock; we are the children of god’s family so we should worship Him together.

The house of God is a place of praise. Who is it that we praise? “Praise the Lord” not the church, not the preacher, but the Lord. We are going to the church to praise Him and how much we have to praise Him. Charles Spurgeon used to say that Christians are prone to write their complaints in a marble and their blessings in the sand. How soon we forget what God has done for us. Our problem is that we often don’t see the Lord, we look at the gifts, from God we don’t really see Him. Let us get beyond the gifts to the giver let us get beyond the blessings to the Blesser. Let us praise Lord and rejoice in the Lord Paul says “Again I will say rejoice rejoice”Phil.4:4. Where do we praise Him? Praise God in His sanctuary. When we praise God in church, it’s just like the praise of the angels in heaven, praises Him for His mighty acts, praise Him what He is and for What He does.  Let us go to the church and praise him for all that he has done

The house God is a place for prayer. As we are children of God we can come freely to the throne of God by faith. We can share our needs to God. Whenever we face problems and troubles, sorrows and suffering distress and pain in our life need not complain about this. Come to the presence of God. We are Gods people; we are the citizens of the heavenly kingdom we must pray for one another and for the ministry of the churches. We belong to each other, we need each other and we must help each other. We must pray for peace within and among the churches. We must pray for the needs of our brothers and friends and we must pray for the lost. We should be praying for Gods people and seeking well for them. God’s people should gather to praise Him and to pray to Him. When you do this, you become a vehicle through which God can give His peace to others.


May Lord Almighty bless you.


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