Vicar’s Message – September 2013

Published September 3, 2013 by admin in Vicar's Message

Dearly Beloved in Christ

Greetings in the name of  our Lord and savior Jesus Christ

As this issue of our parish news letter reaches your hands, our children will be beginning their new academic year. I wish every student a wonderful progressive new academic year ahead.

In proverbs 1:7 Solomon says “The fear of the Lord is beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and instruction”. The only way to end up at the right destination is to choose the right road. The bible frequently exhorts us to choose the right path, but the world thinks there are many ways to God and any path you sincerely follow will eventually take you there. Jesus made it clear that in this life we can take only one of two ways and each of them leads to different destination. Everybody has to choose either the crowded road, that leads to destruction, or the narrow road that leads to life (Matt.7:13-14) there is no middle way.

The path of wisdom leads to life, but the way of folly leads to death, when you walk in the path of wisdom, you enjoy the wonderful assurances, wisdom protects your path, wisdom directs your path and wisdom perfects your path. If you want wisdom, you must listen to God attentively, obey Him humbly, ask Him sincerely and seek Him diligently, the way a miner searches for silver and gold. For this we should walk with God , and we should discipline our life with God. If we receive Gods word and obey them then we will have wisdom to make wise decisions, God will keep His promise and protect us from evil. When you obey God you have the privilege to walk in the ways of the good man, if you follow the word of God you will never lack for the right kind of friend.

We should obey the conditions for receiving God’s guidance, the conditions are we must obey God’s truth, obey God’s will, share God’s blessings, and submit to God’s chastening. Obedience to the word of God can add years to your life and life to years. Chastening is a part of God’s plan to help His children mature in Godly character, God’s chastens not as a judge punishes a criminal but as a parent disciplines his child. He acts in love, and His purpose is that we might become partakers of his holiness God always chasten in love

When you receive Gods truth in your heart, God renews your mind and enables you to think wisely. This helps you to make right decisions and experience the guidance of God day by day. God in His loving providence direct us and prepares the path for us.

St.   Augustine said, “Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future in His providence. If you are willing to God’s will, you will have God’s guidance. when you are living in the will of God the paths gets brighter and brighter. If we are walking in the way of God, God will protect our path, He will direct our path, and perfect our path otherwise we will be in danger and disappointment. So let us trust in God and His providence


May God Almighty Bless us All




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